

Since 2000, I have explored the poetic potential of pictograms.
Very much in contrast to the widely spread definition of picto- 
grams as impersonal symbols, I think that pictograms are al-
ways evaluated in a strongly subjective way, because people 
are human and therefore develop relationships with everything 
that surrounds them in order to explain their world. Every indi-
vidual experiences his environment from his very own point of 
In contrast to detailed pictures, pictograms profit from their 
reduced format. They open up space for the public to work with 
their own fantasy and allow the viewers to come up with their 
personal interpretation of pictures as well as their contextual re-
lationship. I am very fascinated by the phenomenon
that picto-
grams which are designed to be sober and formal yet
can be 
turned into a perfect instrument for telling a personal
story. In 
my films I introduce a
deliberate individual grammar and syntax 
into the standardised
system of pictographic signs. The picto-
gram which is recogni-
sable because it is codified does not 
stand idle in accordance
with the rules, but is instead turned 
against the codes. The
pictoanimations borrow the strictness 
of a social convention
in order to simultaneously go playfully, 
poetically, comically or
absurdly against the grain. The rigid, re-
gimented world of the
pictogram is replaced by a poetical one.