me, my family and I, 2007, standbilder aus der 3-kanalprojektion, 4:20 min. /
me, my family and I, 2007, stills from the 3-channelprojection, 4:20 min.



"Me, my family and I" is a three channel video projection in which
I describe the development of myself in the family I was born into 
to my the family I founded. I experienced my pregnancy as a very 
intensive time during which I both felt incredibly strong and weak.
With the child growing in my womb I felt my motherly strength in-
creasing synchronically.
The setting of "Me, my family and I" are 
clouds, representing my sensation of, just like the unborn baby, 
existing in a bubble outside the ordinary. The protagonists are my 
Super-Ego represented by a wise mother figure and myself. Both 
characters are played by myself. The theme of the double persona 
enables me to express an inward dialogue.
The final scene shows 
myself and my family - the father of my child and my son. It resem-
bles a 15th or 16th century painting, yet changes the rules. The 
naked man holds the unclothed child, while I myself as the protecting 
mother watch over them wrapped in a blue robe. This pose is held 
for approximately one minute and radiates the quality of a photograph.
"Me, my family and I" shows in a quite extraordinary but accurate way 
the mood swings between "I can do it with my eyes closed" to "Am I 
ever gonna make it" between which I was moving during the 9 months
of my pregnancy.