KünstlerinMutter, 2010, standbilder aus dem videoloop, 6:00 min. /
KünstlerinMutter, 2010, stills from the videoloop, 6:00 min.
The myth of the ‘lonely artist’ is dead. This six-
minute film deals with the turning and returning
identity crisis of artists in their everyday family life.
During family lunchtime arises the balancing act
between the articulation of essential needs and the
attention demanded from children and their needs.
There is no place for the artist’s needs after a
deep-seeking exchange of ideas. The husband is
visibly annoyed to have to continually support his
partner as well as by the children. The children
continually interrupt the discussion with this every-
day needs, for instance, by asking for ketchup.
This, in turn, gives the film a touch of humor and
perhaps the impact of a light-hearted view into the