
exhibitions (selection)
November 2021
„FAMILIENBETRIEB“, Kunsthalle Brennabor, curated by Christian Kneisel, Brandenburg a.d. Havel, s
„Root & Branch“, Gallery Karin Weber, curated by Linda Norris and Wai Kit Lam, Hong Kong
September 2021
„PAF artperformingfestival“, curated by Gianni Nappa, Naples, Italy
August 2021
„circle of life“, filmscreening and lecture, Inselgallery, Berlin
„Juxtapose Art Fair“, Godsbanen, Aarhus, Denmark
„More than Champagne...“, Gallery Renate Kammer, Hamburg
März 2020
„Catastrophe“, Office of Emergency, Copenhagen, Denmark, Online-Exhibition curated by Signe Vad
„Build: A Sculpture Show“, Oliva Gallery, Chicago, USA, curated by Kimberly Oliva
January 2020
„Alles III“, Studio im Hochhaus, Berlin
December 2019
„PEACE - dont make me laugh // You A Two Minute Brother“, Spor Klübü, Kolonie Wedding, Berlin
July 2019
„Architecture of Mind“, >top project space, Berlin, curated by Seeta Muller and Penka Mincheva
„ECVP Retrospective“, O Sítio Lagoa, Florianópolis, Brazil
May 2019
„HIDDEN & BAD#2“, open studios AR_29, Berlin, curated by Zuzanna Skiba
January 2019
„Alles II“, Studio im Hochhaus, Berlin
September 2018
„curated by_Zeitgeistlos“, Gallery Knoll, Vienna, Austria, curated by Eszter Lázár and Edina Nagy
August 2018
„21st International Open“, WMG Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, USA
May 2018
„Route 7“, 27th Process Space Art Festival, City Art Gallery, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
April 2018
„SUPERMARKET Art Fair 2018“, International Art Fair Stockholm, Sweden
March 2018
„Islands & Bubbles“ Gallery Studio 44, Stockholm, Sweden
January 2018
„Alles I“, Studio im Hochhaus, Berlin
November 2017
„25 Jahre Kunsthaus Langenthal“, Filmscreening, Langenthal, Switzerland
September 2017
„Berlin Art Week 2017“ AIM Europe Booklaunch at >top project space, Berlin
„ECVP vol.5 Crisis & Utopia“, CCM Club Cultural Matienzo in Buenos Aires, Argentina and touring worldwide
June 2017
„Motions“, 26th Process Space Art Festival, Canetti House, Russe, Bulgaria
April 2017
„Performance Voyage 7: Protest Song Competition!“ represented by MUU Finland, touring to 15 venues worldwide
March 2017
„Conspiracy Boogie“, Filmscreening, Circus 3000, Alter Schlachthof, Karlsruhe, Germany
„ECVP Crisis & Utopia“, Videoformes Festival, Clermont Ferrand, France,f
„Stronger together“, WMG Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, USA, curated by Beate C. Minkovski
January 2017
„transmediale Vorspiel“ opening event, together with kitchenlab project, ACUD MACHT NEU, Berlin
October 2016
„Huis clos – Geschlossene Gesellschaft“, in the frame of month of photography-Off at >top Schillerpalais, Berlin
September 2016
„KüchenPower“, Art on Armitage, Chicago, USA, s
„Flucht nach vorne“, Berliner Liste 2016, represented by BBK medialab, Berlin
„HearteartH International Media Art Festival“, Visual Container, Mailand, Italy
August 2016
„Far away from home“, WMG Women Made Gallery, Chicago, USA, s
July 2016
„HearteartH International Media Art Festival“, Group Global 3000 and Medienwerkstatt Bethanien, Berlin
June 2016
„sleepless dreams“, presentation of childrens workshop result during Water Tower Art Fest
in cooperation with Goethe Institute, screening at cinema house, Sofia, Bulgaria
May 2016
„Abracadabra – Politics of collaboration“, Barbara Culture Infopoint,
Visual Arts Program of Wroclaw European Capital of Culture, Poland
April 2016
„SUPERMARKET 2016“, international art fair Stockholm, Sweden
"Femmes 2", LACE, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, USA, curated by Micol Hebron, f
March 2016
„ECVP Retrospective“, Central Galeria, São Paulo, Brazil
November 2015
„family body“, Gallery Candyland, Stockholm, Sweden, s
November 2015
„trafficjam #4“, Saltillo Contemporary, Festival de Arte contemporáneo 2015, Mexico, f
September 2015
„Mit anderen Augen“, SCHAU FENSTER Gallery, Berlin, curated by Heiko Zahlmann und Stohead
June and July 2015
„open studios“, Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop
March 2015
„trafficjam #4“, Centro Cultural Can Gelabert, Mallorca
open studios, CAC SES VOLTES, Palma, Mallorca
November 2014
„Medienfestival 2014“, with Tower to the people, Technische Sammlungen, Dresden, f
October 2014
„The FBB dialogue“, LTMKS project space Malonioji 6, Vilnius, Lithuania
June 2014
„Tower to the people“ together with my students, Water Tower Art Fest Sofia, Bulgaria and
Youth festival "Razlichnia Pogled", in Dimitrovgrad and ExaF Contemporary Art & Culture, f
May 2014
„art athina 2014“, international art fair Athens, Faliro Pavilion, Greece
May 2014
„FBN“, Podium Project Space Oslo, Norway
March 2014
„trafficjam #3“, gallery at Lichtenberg Studios, Berlin
March 2014
„Herrenreiter“, Video-Installation in public space, Berlin
February 2014
„Todo sobre Hollywood“, Centro Cultural Can Gelabert, Mallorca, s
October 2013
Cable Gallery Helsinki, Finnland
September 2013
online show with microwesten at v-art live, www.v-art.se
June 2013
„showdown“, WUK Vienna, Austria, s
May 2013
„art athina 2013“, international art fair Athens, Faliro Pavilion, Greece
Februar 2013
„SUPERMARKET 2013“, international art fair Stockholm, Sweden
October 2012
„guest domina master nonounited“, curated by Dejan Klincov, Art Pavillon Cvijeta Zuzorić, Serbia
October 2012
„Belgrade Art Fair“, Kulturni Centar Beograda, Serbia
October 2012
„Rituality – born in Berlin 2008“, Spanien19C, Aarhus, Denmark, s
October 2012
„concept has no geography?“, Hiram Van Gordon Memorial Gallery, Nashville, USA
October 2012
„Festival du Court“, Secteur Cinéma, Namur, Belgium, f
September 2012
„Die weiße Residenz“, photography from Gropiusstadt, Galerie im Gemeinschaftshaus, Berlin
July 2012
„Imagem-Contato“, Mostra SESC de Artes 2012, SESC São Paulo, Brazil
June 2012
„c.a.r. contemporary art ruhr“, Zeche Zollverein Essen, presented by director's lounge berlin
May 2012
„Performance Voyage 2“, MUU gallery, Helsinki
April 2012
„AS Berlin“, curated by Dirk Holtkamp-Endemann, Karl-Marx-Buchhandlung, Berlin
March 2012
„Next Stop Mallorca“, Can Gelabert Cultural Centre, Mallorca
February 2012
ocac, open contemporary art centre, Taipei, Taiwan
open studio, treasure hill artist village, Taipei, Taiwan
November 2011
„Existenzen“, Gallery 4. Stock, Berlin
September 2011
„08. Berliner Kunstsalon“, Berlin
July 2011
„westpakete“, Kunstverein Graz, Regensburg
„microwesten11“, projektraum alte feuerwache, Berlin
April 2011
„the other hemisphere“, MEME space taipei, Taiwan
February 2011
„SUPERMARKET 2011“, international art fair Stockholm, Sweden
„humor in video art“, curated by Fridey Mickel, director's lounge, Berlin
November 2010
„trafficjam #1: São Paulo“, Espacio Matilha Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil
„Experimenta! Videofestival“, SESC Campinas, Brazil
October 2010
„Private View“, Project AIM Europe, Gallery artillerie, Berlin
July 2010
„Encyclopedic Cartoons Video Project“, Zentrifuge, Nürnberg
May 2010
„das schönste im leben...“, Pilotenküche at Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig
February 2010
„A tree full of birds“, Gallery Formverk, Eskilstuna, Sweden
"SUPERMARKET 2010", international art fair Stockholm, Sweden
„Encyclopedic Cartoons Video Project“, Kulturpalast Wedding International, Berlin
January 2010
„campingpong“, Orgelfabrik, Karlsruhe
November 2009
"aluCine" media festival, Toronto, Canada, f
„ECVP Vol. 2“, Kulturpalast Wedding International, Berlin
October 2009
"Island of Art Festival", Kunsthalle whiteBOX, Munich
"Kunst hier und jetzt", open studio, invited by Bernd Schulz, Wolfsburg
September 2009
"zirkus minimus 2.0", Preview Berlin "The Emerging Art Fair", Berlin
"V.art09" int. art fair and platform for artist-run-galleries, Värnamo, Schweden
July 2009
"OW-Art", Odenwälder Kunstmesse, Buchen
May 2009
"open studio", Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop
April 2009
"zirkus minimus", walden kunstausstellungen, Berlin
March 2009
"UND #4", Karlsruhe
February 2009
"SUPERMARKET 2009", international art fair Stockholm, Sweden
October 2008
"Art Swap Europe", organised by IGBK, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
August 2008
"Film- and Videofestival Aarau", Switzerland, f
February 2008
"UND #3", Karlsruhe
September 2007
"Stellen im Gesichtsfeld", raum [][][], Berlin
June 2007
"In from the Outside", Gallery Stellwerk, Kassel
March 2007 
"microwesten II", Gallery Ratskeller Lichtenberg, Berlin
October 2006 
"Kontaktaufnahme", artists in residence 06, Worpswede Grant Artists in Spangenberg
July 2006
Site-specific installation at Roselius-Museum, Worpswede
May 2006
"Bestandsaufnahme", Projektraum I, Worpswede
April 2006 
"burrow", Gallery Loyal, Kassel, s
February 2005 
"Verstärker", Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, media window, s
January 2005 
"microwesten I", takt kunstprojektraum, Berlin
November 2004
CYNETart_04, International media art festival, Dresden, f
October 2004
"Konturen des Gleitens", Kunsträume Kempten, Allgäu
February 2004 
"Souvenir, Souvenir", Gallery Villa Yauss, Oberstdorf
July 2003 
"Kunstsommer Oberhausen", Kunstverein Oberhausen, s
June 2003 
Pictosigns in public space, Hamburg 
May 2003
"Linguaphon", Gallery Hinterconti, Hamburg
with the group >>| talking about signs
February 2003 
"Interventions", regional government hall, Kassel
January 2003 
Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Festival for expanded media, f
November 2002 
ISEA 2002, 11th International Symposium on Electronic Art, Nagoya, Japan, f
September 2002 
7th International Festival of New Film Split, Croatia, f
Juli 2002 
"Thomas, Berti, Kim", Gallery Erika, Kassel
Mai 2002 
Moving Image Centre, Auckland, New Zealand
April 2002 
European media art festival, Osnabrück, f
April 2002 
Gallery Hinterconti, Hamburg
Feb. and July 2002 
Piktomovies on the screens in all major German railway stations
January 2002 
Piktomovies on underground train screens, Hamburg
April 2001 
European media art festival, Osnabrück, with the group >>| talking about signs, f
March 2001 
Studio Moschee, Offenbach: >>| talking about signs
s=solo exhibition, f=festival